Calculate the fuel consumption for a trip
As the petrol price rises in South Africa, we are all looking to get as many kilometers out of a liter of petrol. Use this calculator to plan your trips and budget before deciding to leave home without your wallet. Get the most km for your rand.
With this Petrol Price calculator tool you can:
- Calculate how much petrol it will cost in South Africa to travel to your destination.
- How long it will take to travel to your destination, obeying the speed limits of course.
- and the exact distance between your starting point and your final destination.
How to use the Petrol Price in South Africa vs. distance calculator:
- Enter your starting city or location in the ” From” field
- Enter your destination city or location in the “To” field
- Enter the Maximum average speed on the highway/motorway
- Enter the Maximum average speed on the public roads
- Enter the approximate Fuel consumption for the vehicle you will be using
- Enter the current high fuel price in the “fuel price” field
- Hit Calculate
- Take a deep breath
- Observe the Length of the route, the time it will take, the amount of fuel, and the cost of petrol.
See the example images below of the petrol price calculator in use:

The resulting route from the above calculations:

At RigRite we take the current state of the economy into account when making our transport quotations. We also have to pay for fuel, and the petrol price does effect our costing, however we will make a plan to suit your budget. Request a quotation here.